Naked is the second SONICrider release by Melting Clock Records part of Pink Dolphin Music Ltd
Naked is an experimental dance track with nightly vibes.
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Naked is the second SONICrider release by Melting Clock Records part of Pink Dolphin Music Ltd
Naked is an experimental dance track with nightly vibes.
Continue reading “Naked | Single | SONICrider | Melting Clock Records”
SONICriderSTUDIO supports the Loudness War: so the master you received from SONICriderSTUDIO (or any other mastering studio) “doesn’t sound loud”, don’t worry, be happy! The master you received is processed according to the new LUFS standard.
When you add ambient – techno – experimental sounds made by 2 MC 505’s – modular synths & other hardware you get LSDice.
“THE B1i2T SOUND” collection is a WAV collection of sounds sampled with the AKAI X7000.
Inputs (sound generator, microphone or live instrument) royalty free created by SONICrider.
Free Flow
“Free from the pain, FREE…..”
An experimental electronic danceable track seducing you to “Free Flow” and experience the beauty of life instead of feeling the “pain of nowadays world”. #PLUR
Continue reading “Free Flow | Single | SONICrider | Melting Clock Records”
Designing a new website sounds a bit old fashion; due to the way social media platforms acts in showing and sharing information a website becomes important again. As an artist having control over what, when & whom get informed about new releases, events and other news is important.
The Constellations Project.
Mission report: when approaching Andromeda out of a sort of noise a breathing sound became louder. While turning the antenna, the breathing sound stayed at the same level, other sounds passed at high speed and at a particular setting industrial/labor like tunes where received. The breathing remained in our brains even when the sound faded out.
Live recorded “OneString” session at VCA Paradiso December 1 2017 “Patch Panel 1”.
VCA “Patch Panel 1” = 8 short performances with one thing in common “electronic music”.
“What Is Next” became “Will Be Next”
“Will Be Next” is a remix of the original track “What Is Next” released end off 2017 on Rotsblok Records.
“Imagine Christmas + a studio + 2 guys + modular/analog gear + a lot of noodles = …..connected”
Recorded in one take… “a live studio recording”… Studio session, Leon van Bokhorst meets SONICrider (Jurgen Winkel).
…we hope this recordings can inspire you “liberating electronic music”…