THE SOUND OF SILENCE | Performance | SONICrider | Henri van Nuenen


“Listen to the wind, it talks.
Listen to the silence, it speaks.
Listen to your heart, it knows!”

Quote by Native American

Performance date:
September 23 2017


“The Sound Of Silence” is an event in the Onenightduoshow series by Henri van Nuenen – graphic artist – presenting graphic art in a different way.

“The original idea was to play live music when new art is presented during an exhibition. While preparing the event light became an extra dimension since the colors of the light showed the art in a different way.

People entered the venue, in a total black environment, slowly and one by one the graphic paintings got revealed, by changing the colors of the light a short “movie” was created.

The music supported the vibe the graphics gave.”

Actual set up during the event

About Henri van Nuenen

Henri van Nuenen is a graphic artist and makes large-format digital graphic drawings on textiles and panels, pencil and felt-tip pen drawings and manual screen prints. In his own project/presentation/gallery space he regularly organizes idiosyncratic art presentations for the public under the name ONEDAYSHOW.
