A collection of live BLIND tracks, recorded during live performance at different show between 1990 & 1995.

A collection of live BLIND tracks, recorded during live performance at different show between 1990 & 1995.
The Lemon Circus Mix
A 15 minutes mix by SONICrider for The Lemon Circus by Christian Frank & Jamie Morgan broadcasted March 11 2015.
Tracks –> (1) Slow Motion –> (2) Some Chords – The Mad Rush Mix –> (3) Beat2Beat (Radiomix)
Album AWAKE by BLIND “the unreleased tracks”; all tracks recorded 1994 by BLIND released 2015 –> Enjoy & stay awake.
Some Chords The Mad Rush Mix
A SONICrider remix of Deadmau5 “Some Chords” where the remix is inspired on “The Mad Rush” by Mahatma Gandhi; be aware of the possible impact of the goals you set. #PLUR
This SONICrider remix respects the source “Some Chords” by adding some SONICrider like sounds, words & ambient…
Welcome To The New World
“Welcome To The New World” is an album where universal rhythms meet electronic instruments. It’s danceable & experimental electronic music.
When Lovv Hitz U! (TryOut
Try out / Pre master “When Lovv Hitz U1” used while editing video art for the upcoming live shows.
2013 Plus One Equals 2014
A musical happy new year message 2 you out there enjoying live, music and more. Have an inspiring 2014 with lots of precious moments 2 remember!!
Beat2Beat (ROTORmix)
Beat2Beat (ROTORmix) is the extended version of a track which will be on the new album “Welcome To The New World”. Beat2Beat is a danceable song where 2 beats meet each other…….
Low Ride (Cruise Control Remix)
A remix based on Low Ride (first song on the album Cruise Control); resampled Low Ride parts as a fundament. Ad several sounds and rhythm (using Ableton Live 9 and Push).
Cruise Control
“The first official release by SONICrider”
Cruise Control (The Album); 12 songs at 120 BPM cruising around through sound, space and music.